We're passionate about pointing our children and youth to Jesus. We have groups for all ages through the day on a Sunday as well as midweek groups.
All our leaders have a current DBS certificate and safeguarding training. We adhere carefully to the Church of England Safer Recruitment and Safeguarding standards.
Sunday Mornings
We worship all together for the first part of the service, before the children leave for own groups. There is a supervised creche for children aged 0-2, and Sunday Clubs for anyone aged 3-11. We read the Bible, play games, pray, sing and do crafts together, usually learning from the same part of the bible as the sermon.
Our 11-14s alternate between staying in for the sermon and going out to Ignite AM for their own bible study on the sermon passage (and hot chocolate!).
Sunday Evenings

Ignite is our youth group for those in school years 7-13. We meet from 5-6:30pm in the church hall for games, snacks and bible teaching.
Midweek Groups

Totshots is our very friendly toddler group for pre-school children and their parents/grandparents or carers. We meet every Wednesday morning between 9.15am and 10.45am during term times.
We're open to anyone in the local area, not just church families - everyone in fact who would like a relaxed hour or two, meeting new and old friends over coffee. We provide a happy, playful atmosphere with play, craft, bible stories and songs where everyone can hear the Good News of Jesus.

Hotshots is our after school club for school years 1-6. We meet on Fridays from 3.30pm until 4.45pm during term time for games, snack and a bible story.