Mission Partners
We are privileged to support several different mission agencies and partners, some of whom were formerly with us at Holy Trinity. The range of people and places reflect our love of sharing the Good News at home and abroad, to young, old and in between!
Crosslinks is an international mission society with its roots in the Bible, working largely within the worldwide Anglican Communion. Until December 2023 we have been supporting Chris and Ros Howles in their work at the Uganda Martyrs Seminary. Chris has been teaching ordinands for future ministry and Ros has been working with some of the women students. This has the main destination of our mission support. From January 2024 Chris will be joining the staff of Oak Hill Theological College.
CMJ (The Church's Ministry among Jewish People)

We support Pedro and Anu Santos who run the Beit Immanuel hostel in Tel Aviv. Pedro heads up the work of this guest house, heritage centre and home for a fellowship of Messianic Jews and Gentiles and associated volunteer programme.
CPAS is our patron at Holy Trinity. This means it is involved in the appointment of our vicars. We support the work of CPAS as a mission agency in the UK and Ireland. In particular, a number of children go on Pathfinder or Venture holidays each year. A number of church members are volunteer leaders of these Ventures.

Nick was curate at HTF between 2012 and 2015 before being appointed as Rector of the Drung Group of Parishes in County Cavan in rural Ireland. Nick and Dorothy moved to Ireland with their children Bethany and William in January 2016 and we have been pleased to support their ministry across the Irish Sea.
Mark and Ruth Smith
Mark was Curate at HTF between 2017 an 2020. He is now Minister in Charge of the Kildrumferton group of churches, three Anglican churches in County Cavan in rural Ireland. He moved to Ireland in May 2020 with his wife, Ruth, and their little girl, Martha. It seems that our church is adept at providing ministers for County Cavan!
Polly Boyles

Polly was our much-loved Children's and Youth Worker between 2018 and 2024. She is now our mission partner based in Sheffield where she serves as a pioneering Youth and Children's Worker in the parishes of Christchurch Hillsborough and Wadsley Bridge.
The STEP (St Albans & Harpenden Christian Education Project) team of full time member, associates, volunteers and interns work in local secondary schools to provide imaginative RE lessons, special events, support for CUs and one-to-one initiatives.
Tearfund is the focus of our regular material aid giving and frequently of our emergency aid giving. We support their Harvest Appeal each year.